BRETT" (pg 242).
I finally thought that Barnes was becoming independent in chapter 19. He strayed from his companions and was heading to Madrid by himself. I though it would be nice for him to have some alone time. I felt that he was ready to find himself, as Siddhartha would say. But as soon as he gets a telegram from Brett, he's on his way to save her. He listens to her every beck and call. I do not know how to say this nicely, so I'm not gonna try; he's whipped. After all the pain and torture that she puts him through, he will always be there for her to rely on. Although it is somewhat romantic, it is also frustrating. In the end, it helps no one. Brett will never understand how to make it on her own, and it will always cause Barnes to regress in the progress he's made of getting over her.
BRETT" (pg 242).

I finally thought that Barnes was becoming independent in chapter 19. He strayed from his companions and was heading to Madrid by himself. I though it would be nice for him to have some alone time. I felt that he was ready to find himself, as Siddhartha would say. But as soon as he gets a telegram from Brett, he's on his way to save her. He listens to her every beck and call. I do not know how to say this nicely, so I'm not gonna try; he's whipped. After all the pain and torture that she puts him through, he will always be there for her to rely on. Although it is somewhat romantic, it is also frustrating. In the end, it helps no one. Brett will never understand how to make it on her own, and it will always cause Barnes to regress in the progress he's made of getting over her.
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