Monday, January 24, 2011


I believe that while this play is outdated, it is somewhat realistic. There are many people in the world today that manipulate others, just like Iago does. I feel like in every group of friends there is a person that puts a spell on everyone else in a way. The others just seem to follow that one person, thinking that they do no wrong. While, I believe this to be true, I believe that eventually the others may realize that this person isn't always right. I also think that while racism has died down in most of the world, it is still there, especially in older people that are stuck in their ways. Racism is a big part of the play, and while Othello is well respected by many, he is still looked down upon by many others because he is black. I think that many of Shakespeare's plays are universal, because he incorporates themes that are still felt today.

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