Thursday, April 14, 2011


"I saw no cause for their unhappiness; but I was deeply affected by it. If such lovely creatures were miserable, it was less strange that I, an imperfect solitary being, should be wretched" (pg 77). I was stunned by the maturity and affection that the monster showed. First when he becomes intrigued by this little family and their problems. He is a very considerate creature, because when he realizes that he is part of the cause of their unhappiness by stealing food, he decides to stop and to help them out. I feel like many humans wouldn't even do that. I was also extremely allured by the fact that he wanted to learn, and he acted upon this desire. He paid attention to what they did and how the words correlated to the actions. I think it's hard to learn another language in school; I can't imagine trying to teach myself my first language. Victor may be wrong in his belief that he created such a terrible being. From what the creature told Victor, the creature has a good heart. He cares about people and himself by furthering his own knowledge. However, I do find it kind of creepy that he just watched this family. Kind of stalkerish, but how was he supposed to know it was wrong?

1 comment:

  1. especially considering how he's already been rejected so many times
