Wednesday, November 3, 2010

"A Rose for Emily" William Faulkner 2

I think that using the first person plural narrator was effective, because it allowed us to get the collected thoughts of many townspeople. If it was just one person, we probably would not recieve as much detail. I feel like the narrator is the gossiping women of the town. It reminds me of the room mom's in grade school that knew everything about everyone else's lives. Another attribute we received from the first person plural narrative is suspense. If it was told in first person, we would know what she was thinking and exactly when she did the things she did. I actually think that would be an extremely interesting/creepy piece to read. Another interesting point of view to read this story from would be from the first person perspective of the "Negro." I am assuming that he knew what Emily did, but we never actually get knowledge of whether he did or not. It said that he never talked to anyone, so it would be intriguing to get to look inside of his mind, because there must be so many thoughts running through it.

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