Friday, August 13, 2010

The Ghost Soldiers

"I didn't complain. In an odd way, though, there were times when I missed the adventure, even the danger, of the real war out in the boonies" (pg 183).

I feel like no matter how much you hate something or someone, if there is part of you that likes it in any way, you will miss it when it's gone. For instance, there's this really annoying boy at my work, and I hadn't seen him for awhile because he was in season for a sport, and I actually started to miss him being around. It's weird. I never would have guessed that would happen. And it seems like whenever my friends and I look back, we think about all the fun things we have done and we start to miss it. But when it is actually happening, we somewhat take it for granted. It sounds cliche, but it makes me think of the song "Live Like You Were Dying" by Tim McGraw. Live every day to the fullest.

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