Wednesday, April 6, 2011


"I found myself on Gatsby's side, and alone" (pg 164). I found this line to be depressing. This is probably weird, but sometimes I think about who would come to my funeral if I died, and if no one came I would be absolutely devestated. I find it incredibly sad that Gatsby has no friends. I would think that some of his platoon mates would come or something. It kind of makes sense that Wolfsheim and those fellows wouldn't show, because they could get in trouble for being in public. Daisy not making an appearance would be horrible in Gatsby's mind, but for her, it was probably better that she didn't know, because it would cause her internal conflict to grow even more. Having someone you love die is terrible, and if you ended on a bad note, it would be even worse! I grew to appreciate Nick more for being such a great friend.

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